Best Recipe Awards by Dunja


These two recipes are fun alternatives to your regular home made playdough. The big balls sand playdough. Just mix 2 cups of plays and with 1.5 cups of flour, half a cup of water and two tablespoons olive oil. Kneed it all together until it forms the same consistency as playdough. And voila, no mess sand!
The smaller balls are glittery jelly playdough. Mix together 1 cup of flour, 3/4 cup warm water, 3 tablespoons salt, 2 tablespoons cream of tartar, 3 tablespoons olive oil, a few drops of food colouring as close to the jelly colour, and 3oz of powder jelly. Stir them a bit then place the mixture in a cooking pan and stir over medium heat until it doesn’t stick to the pan. Once it cools, kneed and add a bit more flour if it’s still slightly sticky. Once that’s all done, you can add the glitter and kneed again until well combined. I find that Jelly playdough, smells better, holds the glitter to it, has a smoother and stretchier consistency, and has a more intense colour than regular playdough.