Dawn Mazarakis – Mums that rock – Califonia


Meet Dawn amazing mama of 3 under 6s

What is the Best Advice you have Received on Parenting? Answer – Don’t judge. The second you raise your eyebrows at some questionable behaviour someone else’s kid is displaying or what some other Mum is doing – you are bound to see it in your own home. Karma’s a b****.

I also love the book, “Simplicity Parenting” by Kim John Payne, its the only parenting book I have read and I go back to it often. My copy is tattered, covered in outlines and notes. My favourite quote, “Allow our hopes for our children to outweigh our fears. Realign our lives with our dreams for our family, and our hopes for what childhood could and should be.”

What Are Your Kids’ Favourite Food? Right now its bananas, because we listen to Harry Belafonte’s Day-O a-lot.

What is Your Favourite Meal to Cook For the Family? – Breakfast – Homemade Granola, my homage to their California roots.

What Are the Kids’ Favourite Toys? Any toy, at any time, could suddenly become someone’s favourite – unleashing the fury of a thousand blazing suns (a.k.a some pissed off two year old twins) But in our house everyone has a stuffed animal that is sacred – and you just don’t mess with someone’s stuffy. That‘s just wrong.

What are the three top items that you always have in your bag when out with your kids? I don’t – I am that annoying mother who is begging you for a wet-wipe. Don’t judge.

One word to describe labour? Ouch.

What have you found to be the hardest part of your motherhood journey? I am not ultimately in control of their health.

What is the best part of motherhood? Snuggles.