Ella’s Kitchen


Ella’s Kitchen is really a gift from above for any parent on the go. When I was pregnant with my first I had visions of hand making all his organic, ethically sourced meals in my Yves Saint Laurent dressing gown with my freshly blow dried hair and sipping a freshly squeezed juice.

Unfortunately, the reality is much different. I just did not have the time to do it all – even a bath was a rare luxury.

The question was how to balance it all, and Ella’s Kitchen played a part in helping.  Ella’s Kitchen have a vast range of organic, healthy food from when your child starts weaning so you don’t feel guilty when you just don’t have the time to prepare meals. However when you do have a moment – even if it is just a few minutes, Ella’s Kitchen have a new cook book called the Red One. In it you can find over a 100 simple and nutritious yummy recipes to inspire big and little cooks alike. From bubble + squeak to Big Beef Ragu as well as delicious desserts (my personal favourite). Both Carter and I have had lots of fun making and more importantly eating the meals and puds. It is a joy to have a cook book that is fun and easy to use