Mums that rock Yassira Zaandam – London

Meet  Yassira Zaandam mama to Max Nelson 6 years and George Nelson 3 years  also Founder of  Sable Beauty
what is the best advice you have been given on parenting? Listen to your inner voice and follow your motherly instinct.
what are your kids’ favourite foods? Fresh chicken soup and pasta with meatballs.
what is your favourite meal to cook for the family? Breakfast and in particular pancakes.
what are the kids’ favourite toys? With 2 boys I must say cars all the way and any form of Lego

what three items do you always have in your bag when out with your kids? Wipes, water and some sort of snack. 
What is a good family day out in London on a budget? I would say a trip to SouthBank centre as you can get there very easy from all parts of London and it is free to take in the amazing view of the Thames and see the Landmarks and then carry on into the Southbank centre where there are so many activities and  things to do and a lot of them are free. Once finished you can have a packed lunch alongside the riverbank. A second favourite would be the Hampstead Heath for a good walk/ run around. An amazing piece of nature in London
what have you found to be the hardest part of your motherhood journey? The external pressure to confirm to a particular type or format of motherhood. We are all different and that is ok in the motherhood journey. Sometimes I just need to remind myself of this.

what is the best part of motherhood? Unconditional love you get everyday.