Week 25 – spots and tears by Oreke Mosheshe

to fly like a bird.xx

Week 25

Baby’s kicks are now so powerful I find myself screaming or jumping out of my seat (yes this is a good thing…) Sometimes if caught really off guard I burst out laughing which must look really strange for people around me – oh well, I’m pregnant and kicks bring me real joy, what can I say?

It’s not been all rosy though. The other day I spent the whole time doing nothing but still felt incredibly tired and in real pain from an aching back. To make things worse I broke out in spots, and I never get spots – all this while trying to get used to having days during the week where I was not working. I am a workaholic and its difficult to go from nonstop busy to having lots of free time. The day started with me trying to pick a large spot on my head unsuccessfully and so scarring my face. I spent the rest of the day feeling tired and useless. As I attempt to make dinner, I felt the overwhelming need to stop everything run to the bedroom and cry. Superman came in offered to finish the dinner and comfort me – this made me feel even worse as he had been working the whole day and now had to cook dinner. I felt like a bad wife. After lots of reassurance, I finally stopped crying and we sat down to a beautiful dinner cooked by my wonderful husband. These melt downs do happen but I suppose I have to take the good with the bad. ‘Till next time…