Wind in the Willows in the Park by Dunja

After a hugely successful run of Alice in the Walled Garden last year, Sixteenfeet Productions is returning to some of London’s loveliest outdoor spaces with Wind in the Willows. And they really couldn’t have picked more beautiful settings!

At Brockwell Park, Lambeth (25.07-02.08)
Morden Hall Park, Merton (07.08-10.08)
Streatham Rookery, Lambeth (13.08-16.08)
Walpole Park, Ealing (19.08-23.08)

To reserve tickets call 07958 448690 or to book online at:

Best Product: Bluelife Spiral Vegetable Slicer by Dunja

Ari loves to eat all kinds of stuff. All different fruits, dairy, meat, bread, pasta etc. But put veggies in front of her and watch her recoil in horror! I’m a huge lover of vegetables for some weird reason, I actually sometimes have spinach as a tasty snack, but my daughter simply can’t stand them. However, all my problems were solved once I got this slicer. You can use this with a huge variety of vegetables, just mix them all up and voila, looks like fun pasta. Bless her heart I think she still thinks she’s munching away at very colourful spaghetti!

Best Recipe Awards by Dunja

Whilst browsing in the shop today I randomly picked up a few sachets of gelatine, planning on researching what fun stuff I could make with it for my daughter once I got home. Turns out, not much! But one thing that caught my eye was a recipe for gelatine plate for printing. Random, I know, but the colourful pictures ari and I got out of it were awesome fun to make! It’s like contained messy play!
The recipe is very simple, just dilute 6 tablespoons of gelatine in 1.5 cups of glycerine, add 1.5 cups boiling water to the mix and pour into a pan about 20-30cm in diameter. Leave to set for a few hours and start printing!

Families That Rock by Dunja

I strongly believe the simplest secret to enjoying parenting is having ridiculous amounts of fun with your kids, as well as showering them with affection. I adore the Black family because they always look like they’re having the time of their lives. You don’t see this level of bonding between parents and kids enough! We could all benefit from their infectious joy of life, and the result will inevitably be happy and well rounded children later on in life.
Here’s my favourite quote by Jack Black:
“I haven’t read any books on how to be a good dad, but I will always try to be honest with the kids … it sounds like a train wreck already doesn’t it?”