Carter’s Chicken Meatballs

These Meatballs are named after my first son Carter because it is the only form of chicken he will eat. I have two boys 18 months apart and I thought both boys would be very similar, they would like the same things and eat the same foods but things have not quite turned out that way, I have one that loves eating chicken and will try most things and another that is a very fussy eater who’s only source of protein is eggs, smoked salmon and mummy’s chicken meatballs. These chicken meatballs are very good and both adults and kids love them. They make a perfect addition to our healthy picnic basket as they are delicious hot or cold.

Protein is a must for baby’s development and if you are a meat eater chicken is a great protein source.

The maple syrup and fruit puree act as a natural sweetener creating a healthy sweet and sour like flavour. Maple syrup is full of antioxidants and I love using it as a sweetener.


This recipe works well with lamb and turkey also. Once balls are ready I like to serve organic sweet corn


Serves 4


Mums that rock – This is Mothership – London