Mums that rock – Bertie Bowen – London

Meet mama of 2, Stylist writer and Feminist  Bertie Bowen


Parenting advice: “it’s a phase.” It’s so true! And it makes me realize however difficult something is at the time, it will pass.

The balance between work and motherhood is constantly changing. I often feel like I’m doing better in one than the other but it swaps. I try to only work 3-4 days a week. And I try to also be kind to myself. I never chase perfection. most days I am trying my hardest. And other days I’m too knackered to worry about it
Fave meal I cook: we don’t often get a chance to all eat as a family but sometimes at the wkend, we all have lunch together. I like to cook soup and bake soda bread in the winter. In summer I like to eat in the garden and make salads and hummus and quiche. I love our big kitchen-diner it’s my fave place in the house ❤️
3 items in bag for kids: SNACKS. Books. Wipes.

My parenting style is way too soft! I’m rubbish at sticking to rules which is prob why my kids constantly push the boundaries. I’m playful and silly. I like to make them laugh by dancing around the kitchen. Hopefully, I’m fun. And very affectionate.
The hardest part of motherhood is seeing my bad traits in my children. I’ve got a temper and they both have too (their dad is super laid back!) Mum guilt is real.
The best part of motherhood is that I feel complete. Just last night I was thinking that I have everything I could ever wish for right now: my children, my husband, a roof over my head, food in my belly. My health! I’ve always wanted a family of my own. It’s my destiny. They’ve taught me selflessness and gratitude. I’m welling up! 🤦🏻‍♀️😂