Mums that Rock – Natalie Max – London

Meet the beautiful Natalie Max with her sweet daughters. Natalie is a real inspiration and here at Yummy mummy HQ we are all in awe of how she always remains so elegant kind and absolutely stunning.
Best advise you have been given on parenting:
Remember to take care about yourself. If you are happy, your kids are happy.Favourite food to eat:

Pasta! But I think their favourite food depends more on where they are than the food itself.

What is your favourite meal to cook for the family?
Definitely Sunday Roast sat down as a family

What three items do you always have in your bag when out with the kids?
1 – wipes
2- water
3 – credit card!

Hardest part: To wake up as early as my children.

Best part: Hearing my kids laugh everyday- makes me realise It’s all fine.

My parenting style: Relaxed. Depending on my mood I’m somewhere between “don’t do that” to “ah.. whatever”

The Yellow Chicken

The yellow chicken. Some of the tastiest parts of the chicken are inexpensive.  The legs and the thighs are my favourite and there are generally more affordable. This is a quick easy one pan recipe for busy families and individuals. You can serve with Basmati rice or cauliflower rice. Enjoy xx

Mums that rock – llana Brandwain – Belgium