Sweet Bea Cakes

Tis the season to be jolly… Christmas is one of my favourite times of the year, I love everything about it, most importantly the time it gives us to enjoy our family and loved ones. For my family the holidays and celebrations start on the 1st of December  -my little boy’s birthday. This year is his first birthday and for me a birthday isn’t a birthday without Cake. In fact for me any event is incomplete without at least a slice of cake, so I think I know what I’m talking about when it comes to all things cake. For my little boy’s first birthday I wanted the best of the best so I went on a cake hunt for something new and I got more than I bargained for, I found Sweet Bea’s Bakery by Lucia. Sweet Bea cakes are magical, so beautifully made and each mouthful just makes you happy. I can say it is the best birthday cake we have ever had as a family in both appearance and flavour… (www.sweetbea.co.uk)

Jolly Rockers

Ok, so a rocking horse made me cry… Yes I burst into tears when one of Carter’s Christmas presents arrived : a rocking horse by Jolly Rockers. Here’s why:

For as long as I can remember, I have always wanted a rocking horse. So now that I have kids of my own I can do that classic ‘parent transfers dreams onto kids thing’ so I made up my mind that Santa would get Carter a gorgeous rocking horse to go along with his (and Superman’s) boomerangs, helicopters and rugby stuff…

I chose Jolly Rockers because they are unique, beautiful and lovingly handmade by a truly inspiring mother whose story is just as wonderful as her fantastic horses. Debbie had our horse hand delivered by a strapping team consisting of her husband and son to ensure it reached us in time for Christmas. It was when we unwrapped Carter’s beautiful dapple brown and I realised how much he was going to love it too that the crying started, and I better go before it starts again.