Jolly Rockers

Ok, so a rocking horse made me cry… Yes I burst into tears when one of Carter’s Christmas presents arrived : a rocking horse by Jolly Rockers. Here’s why:

For as long as I can remember, I have always wanted a rocking horse. So now that I have kids of my own I can do that classic ‘parent transfers dreams onto kids thing’ so I made up my mind that Santa would get Carter a gorgeous rocking horse to go along with his (and Superman’s) boomerangs, helicopters and rugby stuff…

I chose Jolly Rockers because they are unique, beautiful and lovingly handmade by a truly inspiring mother whose story is just as wonderful as her fantastic horses. Debbie had our horse hand delivered by a strapping team consisting of her husband and son to ensure it reached us in time for Christmas. It was when we unwrapped Carter’s beautiful dapple brown and I realised how much he was going to love it too that the crying started, and I better go before it starts again.