Lost My Name by Oreke

I cannot begin to sing enough praises for Lost My Name – a truly magical personalized story book that takes you and your little ones on a magical adventure based on your child name. The book is illustrated beautifully with amazing characters, my boys particularly loved the Aardvark, it’s also a great learning tool – the concept has been executed brilliantly. One of my earliest childhood memories is receiving a personalised book from my Dad at the age of 5, I felt so special that a book was made for me all about me. I still wish I had a copy of that book so imagine my delight when I stumbled upon Lost My Name online. The idea that I can create that same excitement for my boys gave me so much joy. Lost My Name books are real masterpieces and exceeded my expectations. These are books that both parents and children will treasure for a long time. Both my boys love their books and so far no other book has got a look in. The books are colourful, beautiful, so well written and certainly take you on a wonderful journey. Perfect present for the little ones. Until next time xx