First three months with my first born by Oreke Mosheshe

I have never been happier! The chronic sleep deprivation, debilitating worry, chewed nipples and pee puke and poo are nothing compared to the sheer, soaring joy I feel at the birth of my son.

Carter was born on the 22nd of March – after a 2 day labour. Leading up to the birth, one of my many concerns was whether I would know when labour started. I knew. Superman knew. The poor cabbie that drove us to hospital knew, and half the population of the hosipital knew by the time I got there.

After the initial shock of the pain of final labour – with the contractions 7 minutes apart – and having refused pain relief, I focused on breathing through the almost other-worldly pain. It wasn’t easy, and I may have passed out – I certainly lost track of time but my baby was born happy and healthy and has remained so.

If you are lucky enough to have willing help for the first few weeks, TAKE IT. I could not have survived without the help of my wonderful mum who moved in for a month and of course Superman as well as other family and friends who dropped in when they could. Helping hands to run errands, get things done around the house or just to watch baby while you get a much needed break are essential and will preserve your sanity. You will be more tired than you thought humanly possible.

Week 25 – spots and tears by Oreke Mosheshe

Week 25

Baby’s kicks are now so powerful I find myself screaming or jumping out of my seat (yes this is a good thing…) Sometimes if caught really off guard I burst out laughing which must look really strange for people around me – oh well, I’m pregnant and kicks bring me real joy, what can I say?

It’s not been all rosy though. The other day I spent the whole time doing nothing but still felt incredibly tired and in real pain from an aching back. To make things worse I broke out in spots, and I never get spots – all this while trying to get used to having days during the week where I was not working. I am a workaholic and its difficult to go from nonstop busy to having lots of free time. The day started with me trying to pick a large spot on my head unsuccessfully and so scarring my face. I spent the rest of the day feeling tired and useless. As I attempt to make dinner, I felt the overwhelming need to stop everything run to the bedroom and cry. Superman came in offered to finish the dinner and comfort me – this made me feel even worse as he had been working the whole day and now had to cook dinner. I felt like a bad wife. After lots of reassurance, I finally stopped crying and we sat down to a beautiful dinner cooked by my wonderful husband. These melt downs do happen but I suppose I have to take the good with the bad. ‘Till next time…